Generation pipeline

To actually generate anything with λ-blog we need to define a computation that will successively transform your content through different states into a bunch of static pages. We need a pipeline, if you will.

The generation pipline is quite literarily whatever you want it to be. Its purpose is to take your content and generate your static site with a bunch of magic happening inbetween over which you have total control. In fact, this the guiding principle behind λ-blog - it is optimized for customizability, so you can build a static blog generator tailored specifically to your needs.

The magic

λ-blog comes with a few useful functions that simplify generation pipeline creation. These can be divided into three categories:

  • Filesystem related functions, for example:
    • read-dir
    • copy-dir!
  • Entity manipulation functions, for example:
    • update
    • whenever
  • Site generation functions, for example:
    • generate!

Detailed descriptions of these functions can be found in the lambda-blog.generator namespace.

Building a pipeline

A sensible way to start building your generation pipeline is to define some sort of configuration entity (let's assume for a moment that we have data/js and data/style directories populated):

(def config {:author "Idorobots"
             :title "My kickass blog!"
             :scripts ["js/script.js"]
             :stylesheets ["style/style.css"
             :output-dir "out"})

Next, we need a convenient way to repeatably generate the static site. A Clojure function is the way to go:

(defn generate []
  (-> config
      ;; The pipeline goes here.

Lastly, we need to build the actual pipeline. Let's start by adding an entity representing the page index:

(-> config
    (assoc :index {:title "Index"})
    ;; ...

Next, read & parse some entries (again, assume that we have data/entries handy). Note, that we want the entries to appear in a sorted orded, hence the update call:

(-> config
    (assoc :index {:title "Index"})
    (read-dir :entries "data/entries" hello-parser)
    (update :entries
            #(sort-by (comp :timestamp :metadata) %))
    ;; ...

And finally, generate the site:

(-> config
    (assoc :index {:title "Index"})
    (read-dir :entries "data/entries" hello-parser)
    (update :entries
            #(sort-by (comp :timestamp :metadata) %))
    (generate! :index some-index-template)
    (generate-all! :entries some-entry-template)
    (copy-dir! "data/js" "js")
    (copy-dir! "data/style" "style"))

Now, whenever generate is evaluated a fresh and (hopefully) repeatable instance of My kickass blog! will be generated.

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Powered by λ-blog.