Tagged mixins

One of the most distinctive features of Common Lisp and Lisp in general, are its code-generation and code-manipulation capabilities.

Probably the best example is the LOOP macro - a Swiss Army knife of iteration that can do pretty much anything. The following snippet iterates a list of random numbers collecting some statistics of its contents and does that while being very concise and readable:

(let ((random (loop with max = 500
                    for i from 0 to max
                    collect (random max))))
  (loop for i in random
          counting (evenp i) into evens
          counting (oddp i) into odds
          summing i into total
          maximizing i into max
          minimizing i into min
        finally (format t "Stats: ~A"
                          (list min max total evens odds))))
Stats: (0 499 120808 261 240)

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Let's suppose we have this class hierarchy:


It's a fairly specialized class hierarchy providing some functionality, let's say for the sake of this example that SomeClass provides a kind of player-game interaction interface and HierarchyWith defines it as a trigger based interaction (as in "a player does something - it triggers a response"). Our ExampleClass represents an entity that can be triggered by the player and that generates some response and in addition to that is further specialised to have some concrete functionality - let's say it's a lever that a player determined enough can pull to flood something with delicious magma. As we clearly can see ExampleClass is well-defined in terms of OOP, it's highly specialised and modular, but as an in-game entity it lacks a rather crucial functionality - it can't even be displayed on the screen. What do we do now?

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