2018-10-07 17:57 | Upduino FPGA tutorial | apio fpga hardware upduino verilog | A simple tutorial showing how to run basic designs on Granly Gray's Upduino v.2.0. |
2017-09-10 18:33 | Hacking Huawei E3372 HiLink. | hacks huawei networking reverse engineering | Reverse engineering Huawei E3372 API & hacking around it's less-than useful Web UI. |
2017-01-16 22:23 | Running modern GNU/Linux on PowerMac G5 - the complete instruction | Linux PPC970 PowerPC Raspberry Pi Ubuntu benchmarks i7 | Says it all on the tin. |
2016-11-02 00:23 | Promise as a basic language feature | Actor Model CPS Lisp Promise Scheme benchmarks language features | An exploration & benchmarking of weird programming language features... |
2016-10-03 22:43 | UPNOD 3: The RAM. | RAM UPNOD VHDL Z80 electronics reverse engineering vintage electronics | Reverse engineering UPNOD CARD0117 TN64 telecommunications computer board. Part 3. |
2016-07-18 20:23 | Using a Rule-based System for type inference. | Lisp Prolog RBS Rete Scheme logic programming rules type reconstruction type systems | An implementation of type inference using the Rete algorithm and a Rule-based System. |
2016-05-14 21:36 | UPNOD 2: The reset circuit. | 6502 UPNOD VHDL Z80 electronics reverse engineering vintage electronics | Reverse engineering UPNOD CARD0117 TN64 telecommunications computer board. Part 2. |
2016-04-24 11:05 | Atari XE Multicart | 6502 Atari C CC65 Eagle CAD OSHW electronics hacks hardware | A multi-game cartridge for the Atari 400/800/XL/XE series I designed. |
2016-03-02 02:36 | UPNOD 1: Reverse engineering a vintage TelCo card. | UPNOD Z80 electronics reverse engineering vintage electronics | Reverse engineering UPNOD CARD0117 TN64 telecommunications computer board. Part 1. |
2016-02-23 22:05 | Blog reboot! | Clojure Lisp meta λ-blog | Shameless self-plug of a yet another blogging platform. |
2013-06-01 22:55 | MochiWeb vs. Cowboy, HTTP vs. WebSocket benchmark | Comet Cowboy Erlang HTTP MochiWeb OTP WebSocket benchmarks | A benchmark of two Erlang HTTP/WebSocket servers. |
2013-03-30 22:37 | Google Reader alternative for Emacs Ninjas | Atom Emacs Emacs Lisp Google Reader Newsticker RSS feed hacks | A quick hack to browse RSS feeds with Emacs. |
2013-02-02 22:59 | MMO Life | Emacs Gamify Graphviz Org-Mode dot gamification graph skills stats | A followup on how I use Gamification in my daily flow. |
2013-01-19 17:00 | ASM development log 4: Tiny MOP | ASM CLOS Lisp Meta-Object Protocol OOP TinyCLOS | TinyCLOS implementation in ASM programming language. |
2012-12-07 18:00 | You earned 15 XP in Getting Things Done! | Emacs Gamify Graphviz Org-Mode Pomodoro dot gamification graph skills stats | How I use Gamification in my daily flow. |
2012-10-10 17:00 | System monitor in Emacs mode-line | Emacs Emacs Lisp hacks mode-line stats | A quick hack displaying various system stats in the Emacs mode-line. |
2012-08-17 12:03 | ASM development log 3: DSLs | ASM DSL JSON Lisp grammars parsers | Domain Specific Languages in the ASM programming language. |
2012-07-20 20:01 | There is nothing cooler than a macr- Err... Mixin? | CTFE Common Lisp D programming language DSL Lisp code generation hacks macros mixins | Use D programming language mixins to emulate Lisp macros. |
2012-04-15 18:57 | Templated Monads? Monadic Templates? | D programming language Functional Programming Scheme hacks monads templates | Use D programming language templates as compile-time monads. |
2012-03-07 20:43 | Template Metaranting | C++ C++11 D programming language Metaprogramming object.template function(arg) templates | Rant over how C++'s syntax sux while D's rox. |
2012-03-04 19:25 | Romans, rubies and the D | CTFE D programming language Ruby hacks | Implementing compile-time Roman numerals using D programming language. |
2012-02-09 23:19 | Instant docs in StumpWM | Common Lisp DuckDuckGo Lisp StumpWM documentation hacks | Adding a quick documentation browsing feature to the StumpWM. |
2012-02-08 00:19 | LRRH | C C++ Game Dev LRRH SKN Shader games | A showcase of Little Red Ridding Hood game I made with a bunch of friends. |
2012-01-22 17:05 | ASM development log 2: Dilly-dallying | ASM CEK CESHK SECD VM Virtual Machine | ASM programming language' VM shenanigans. |
2011-10-27 15:05 | ASM heatmap | ASM C C++ Colemak Common Lisp D programming language Dvorak Lisp QWERTY heatmap | Ranting about keyboard distribution of different programming languages. |
2011-09-25 21:10 | Land of Lisp | Common Lisp DSL Graphviz Land of Lisp SVG book reviews dot evolution games genetic algorithms programming books | A review of the Land of Lisp by Conrad Barski. |
2011-09-13 16:46 | ASM development log 1: OliviaBOT | ASM Artificial Intelligence D programming language DSL IRC Lisp interpreters robots | I wrote an IRC bot the other day. |
2011-09-03 21:28 | LRRHPSE! | C C++ Game Dev LRRH SFML SKN Shader game editors particle systems wxWidgets | A particle system editor for the LRRH game. |
2011-08-23 01:46 | ChaoSnake | AGH-UST GLFW Game Dev OpenGL Pascal chaos games snakes | A classic Snake game with a Nd twist. |
2011-08-13 14:14 | Properties in the D programming language | C C++ D programming language Python good practices hacks | Evangelizing D a little more. |
2011-08-11 19:46 | ASM development log 0: The Game | ASM Game Dev Lisp dungeon crawlers games interpreters | I wrote a game in a programming language I wrote. It's all about writing commands! |
2011-08-11 13:07 | Accessing private class members in C++ | C C++ bad practices hacks | Babies first C++ WTF. |
2011-07-31 00:01 | (car '(3)) | ASM Lisp interpreters | Introducing ASM programming language. |
2011-06-11 11:48 | City Blueprints | AGH-UST D programming language FTGL GLFW OpenGL OpenStreetMap blueprints | An early AGH-UST project. |
2011-05-07 01:10 | (car '(2 3)) | D programming language Lisp Scheme | I wrote a Scheme interpreter once. |
2011-04-24 22:35 | (car '(1 2 3)) | AGH-UST D programming language Latmab algebra calculator | Apparently, I wrote an RPN calculator once. |
2011-04-07 20:35 | Mixins make sense | C C++ D programming language Java design patterns good practices mixins | Mixins are way underrated, or so I thought. |
2011-03-20 21:20 | Testing | C C++ D programming language Java testing unittesting | I discovered unittesting and wrote a 'framework' for that. Hilarious. |
2011-03-19 19:15 | Hello world! | meta | |